Arc Landscape Design and Planning Ltd is a consultancy specialising in landscape and public realm design and landscape / townscape assessment. We are lucky to work with a wide range of loyal clients and co-consultants - please see link below for more details.
The practice was formed in 2014 by Vanessa Ross, a Chartered Landscape Architect who has worked in private practice for over 20 years. Vanessa and her team bring a wealth of experience across many development sectors as well as detailed and applied knowledge of masterplanning, assessment (LVIA/TVIA), planning, landscape design, project management and overseeing construction via a range of contract and procurement methods. Please see link below for details of staff and experience.
We recognise that landscape design has a key role in addressing the challenges of climate change and promote an ‘environment first’ approach to design on all our projects. Through applying a multi-functional to design we endeavour to design places that are multi-beneficial for both people and nature. We are also pleased to promote Building with Nature and as and approved assessors we can review projects aiming to achieve BwN accreditations.