landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA)

In order to inform development proposals or to support planning applications, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) provides a valuable tool to demonstrate how new development sits within a particular landscape setting. We can input into the early design phases and if identified, adverse effects can be considered alongside mitigation proposals. 

Using our in-house methodology, following best practice national guidance (GLVIA3), we undertake landscape assessments for all development types with written reports supported by appropriate illustrative material including coordination of CGIs, wire frames and photo-montages.

The level of detail we provide is directly related to the scale and sensitivity of the development or its setting. We can provide short, initial appraisals for clients in the early stages of development, through to fully detailed impact assessments as part of EIAs. Also work is undertaken or overseen by an appropriately qualified and experienced member of staff.  We also provide consultancy and support to Local Authorities, community groups or individuals regarding development within their locality.

  • Site visits and baseline assessments
  • Designations and planning policy review
  • Landscape character assessments
  • Townscape character assessments
  • Visual impact assessments (inc ZTV)
  • EIA - Screening and Scoping
  • EIA - LVIA chapters and non-technical summaries
  • Photography and coordination of CGIs/AVRs
  • Review of LVIA prepared by others
  • Expert witness and planning appeals