landscape, green infrastructure and public realm DESIGN

Arc has a strong design ethos that combines a detailed understanding of a site and its context with a desire to design sustainable, robust and beautiful places and spaces. Multi-functional green infrastructure is essential for health of people and planet and we seek to ensure that places are fully accessible, attractive and safe for everyone. We work across many development sectors and at all scales and have an excellent track record in working as integral parts of multi-disciplinary teams working on projects from the initial design stages through to detailed construction designs.

We have a high level of graphics capabilities and are able to produce high quality drawings and reports, appropriately applying techniques from hand drawn sketches to computer generated images and CAD plans / construction details.

  • Initial landscape / place making strategies

  • Hard landscape and street furniture design and specification

  • Planting strategies, plans and specification

  • Landscape design input for outline, detail, reserved matters planning submissions

  • Design Codes and Design and Access Statements

  • Water Sensitive Design including SuDS

  • Streetscape and public realm design

  • Play space and outdoor sports facilities

  • Site supervision and contract administration

  • Landscape Management and Maintenance Plans

  • Building with Nature - Assessments

  • Urban Greening Factor and Bio-diversity Net Gain (BNG)